castor oil & egg hair maskDubai Lifestyle

Tips from Mommy’s kitchen: Castor Oil & Egg hair mask

Are you having a good hair day or do you need some good hair care? In both cases, you have landed on the right page. I am an Indian and for the most part of my childhood, I stayed with my grandmother. I have learned a lot of her kitchen pharmacy techniques just by living with her and observing, experiencing …

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Sunshine blogger award nominationDubai Lifestyle

The Sunshine Blogger Award

I am so glad to receive the Sunshine Blogger Award Nomination. Ever since I started blogging, I have not only found a space of peace and joy in my head but I have also found a tribe of like-minded individuals who though are different from me, and even live far away, many across the oceans, I connect with them and …

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Love Life & the Little-one receives Blogger recognition awardDubai Lifestyle


April is a month when I invariably get swinging between the cocktails of emotions. Excitement because it’s my birthday month, Anxiety because I will have to remember my new age and introspection because it’s time to ponder on the year gone by and make affirmations for the year to come. One such, April morning, when I checked my phone, rubbing …

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Dubai Lifestyle

When Women Support each other

It’s not international women day. There is no rhyme or reason to write women empowering article.  Most people get all excited on women’s day. They write, they intellectualize and revere women on social media, gathering and probably even in their living room, but what happens a day after? Most forget it. Some feel it but not voice it as much, …

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Dubai Lifestyle

My life. My choices.

Ever eaten food with someone else feeding you holding the spoon.. No no, not as a kid but in the recent past? One likes the attention, the love, the effort someone else is taking to feed you with love. You like it  for sometime, a few morsels, may be one whole supper but you get the best satisfaction eating out …

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Dubai Lifestyle

I deserve my ” Me Time”

You are a busy mom on the roll.Your children are your priority. But you need love too. You owe yourself the love and compassion you so freely give to others. Allow yourself some “Me Time”

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Dubai Lifestyle

Keep Calm & Chin up

You are a new mom, with heart full of love and eyes full of sleep. Or you are a parent of a toddler who has meltdowns when you least expect it, or you are just another mother of this planet. Read it. Smile. Chin Up.

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Dubai Lifestyle

16 things I am saying goodbye to with 2016

” Let it go” from Frozen playing on repeat in my little one’s playroom, and I sit and write this list.  Every year by the end of December, I get into this very profound ” thinking man” pose and try and remember and analyse the year gone by. It’s a standard practice, I don’t know when and where it started. …

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Dubai Lifestyle

New Year Eve – Too much Pressure! 

” Whatchoo doin for the New Year’s  Eve?? “This has become the life & death question for us all at the moment, right?  It’s like, everyone no matter how happy, or sad, how rich or poor, how busy or free, must have a plan on the eve of New Year’s  or their life doesn’t count.  Some people have planned three …

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Dubai Lifestyle


Do you follow the moon, astrology, zodiac cycles, shaman beliefs? I love nature and I admire science beyond science. I believe in forces and energies that govern us, whether we believe in them or not.  So today is the last full moon of 2016. I read, it’s the time to let go of past baggage. Shed the weight we are …

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