Happy family on the road
Lock-down 2020

Lock-down memoirs – Parents Appreciation Post

Social Distancing is making me closer…
Closer to myself
My thoughts
My dreams
My demons
And my inner circle…
So here’s a post
that’s the beginning of me
My parents.
Grandparents in the park
                             I miss my parents, who miss their grandchild more 🙂
They brought me to this world
They nurtured me to be me
They gave me education
And they gave me life lessons
And they gave me issues too
To deal with and be free
I have loved them
I have misunderstood them
I have disliked them (I don’t lie)
But I always belonged to them
I may be a wife now
A mother too
But first and always I will be
Their daughter…
You see I began
With them.. By them.. For them
During these trying times
Video calls with my parents give me the
Biggest smiles these days.
You know the other day, I told my husband,
” I laugh the most with you.” My husband said, ” Yes, but you laugh the loudest when you are with your #momanddad
How are you feeling during these Covid times, away from your parents?  If this blog reminded you of your time with your parents, do give me a like, share, or comment.

Now that you have read my article, please do leave a comment. That will be my Reward.