Hello, Thank you for finding me on the internet and taking the time to read about me, and what I do for collaboration, social media marketing, blogging, and promotions.
I am Meghna Dixit. An MBA in HR, Ex-Vice President-Human Resources of a reputed multinational and a first time Mom of a beautiful and feisty, 3-year-old little girl. I am originally from Mumbai, India but we have now set up our base at Dubai, UAE as Expats.
Currently, I work from home as a Lifestyle Blogger, Influencer & owner of Love, Life & the little one and a popular Instagram blog account, @love_life_littleone. My target audience is moms with at least one child born in 2012/2017 and I have a cumulative engaged following of 15k + women mostly from the UAE, USA & India.
My personality is vivacious, honest, engaging & sassy which reflects in my pictures and writing on my blog.
I write regularly about parenting, self-care, fitness, beauty & wellness, fashion & style, romance & relationship, mindfulness, and women empowerment. I also review products & services that are frequently used by women for themselves or for their loved ones. I believe women of the household influence the choice of products, services, and lifestyle for the family. My website and work influence the influencers of the family.
My articles have been featured in various magazines, publications & blogging websites in the last 1 years and I have also been invited by many reputed brands to their blogging events and launches to promote, share & collaborate.

Collaborations & Services
I love collaborating with brands and bloggers! There are a variety of services and collaborations that I offer:
- Ad Space
- Instagram Live Presentations & Promotions
- Sponsored Blog Posts
- Sponsored Social Media Posts
- Social Media Shout Outs
- Giveaways
- Guest Contributors for For the Love, Life & the little one.
- Guest Posts for your personal or business blog
- Motivational Speaking for Mommy groups/Women employee/ New Moms in the company
Shoot me an email to request my media kit or to chat, lovelifelittleone@gmail.com
Guest Contributor Guidelines
- The post can be on any topic that appeals to new moms, moms of toddlers & preschoolers, work at home moms or the social media savvy mom.
- Submission must be an original article or a revision of a previously published post. Exact copies of previously published work will automatically be denied. Changes to previously published work do not need to be significant. Please include a link to the original article.
- Must be between 500 & 1000 words.
- Please include 1-4 original or stock photos. Any pictures submitted may be used for promotional purposes of any website or social media platform owned by www.lovelifelittleon.com or Meghna Dixit. A title image will be created for all posts.
- Picture, bio & links to your website/social media platforms must accompany post submission or post will automatically be denied.
- No affiliate links or links to any site other than your personal or business blog. (Employment verification may be required for business blogs.). Also, make sure that the link is “No Follow” link.
- Posts may be edited for grammar or spelling. All post titles on Love, life & the little one is run through a headline analyzer and must receive a certain score. Titles are subject to change based on these results. Also, affiliate links may be added to Love, Life & the little one sees fit.
- All contributor posts are promoted via Love, Life & the little one‘s Facebook, Pinterest & Twitter accounts. Due to demand, Instagram is not included. Please inquire about fees for Instagram promotion.
- If you are not notified that your post was accepted within 14 days, it is safe to assume this work is not a good fit at this time. Please feel free to use it elsewhere and you can always submit again!
Latest Collaborations:
- Brand Rep of OSN Pehla Diwali Special on OSN
- Palmer’s Brand Ambassador
- Mermaids of Arabia – Model for their Halloween Special
- Review of Kidloland- Sponsored post
- Interview with Chef & Review of the Avocado festival at Skye & Walker Restaurant at the Marriot, Dubai
Please email your submission (or pitch an article idea) to lovelifelittleone@gmail.com
Meghna Dixit
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[…] Collaboration Guidelines […]
Great post Meg 🙂 thank you for sharing your insights!
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