Hello Mommies,
As you all know, my daughter is now a toddler, but I still remember her teething days very very clearly. Those days are tough for baby and mommy alike. I share with you all a guest blog by a follower who wanted to share her experience with Baltic Amber Teething necklace. The views, ideas and even images are shared by her. For more details please read my Disclosure & Privacy policy & Collaboration guidelines.
Just the other day I was daydreaming about what life was like a pre-teething baby. Was it ever quiet? Did we ever have any peace? Was my baby ever happy? The precious newborn phase felt like a pretty distant memory at this point in our journey, but memories I relish nonetheless. How do other mom’s do it? How does one get past this stage with their sanity intact and the will to have more children?
After a few days of pitying myself and my child, I decided to swallow my pride and admit that I had no idea what to try next. Teething tablets and Orajel were a no-go, my baby hated frozen teething toys in her mouth, and I disliked the idea of pushing Tylenol and Motrin like they were candy. After all, we liked to stay as close to natural as possible in our everyday life, and that meant mother nature’s natural remedies as well.
Luckily for me, one of my dearest friends is a midwife. She told me that a vast majority of her patients had been using Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces from https://balticwonder.com/. I had heard of them but never gave them much thought. They seemed more hyped up than they should be, and anyway, how helpful could a necklace really be when my baby is screaming their head off at 10 pm?
She had received a few samples from one of the mother’s she had worked with and passed one along to me. I was interested but hesitant and I would need to do more research of my own. At this point, what could I lose? Not sleep! That’s long gone… If you had to take a guess, where would you say this particular amber is located?
If you go back to your elementary studies, you’ll probably remember learning about context clues. Context clues would tell you that Baltic Amber is located in the Baltic region, in dark forests near the Baltic sea. This amber is notoriously known for having the highest traces of succinic acid, which is the component responsible for helping your baby sleep through the night and get through their teething woes. This is because the succinic acid has several medicinal properties, such as anti-inflammatory agents, mood-altering abilities, and is also packed with antioxidants.
In fact, Asian cultures have long used amber for its immunity-boosting effects. Amber ranges in several colors, the lightest being your lemony yellows and the darkest being your cognac cherry variants. Color doesn’t mean much when it comes to what this necklace does, but when purchasing, you should always buy polished amber for younger children. This is because the porous surface of the amber can be an irritant to young children’s skin.
If buying a polished amber, I would purchase a lighter color like lemon. This is because the lighter shades carry more succinic acid. Raw amber, however, expels the oil containing the medicinal resin faster. If purchasing a raw amber, you can purchase darker shades and gets the same effects as your lighter, more potent ambers.
After doing some research of my own, I found many success stories from fellow moms with teething monsters like mine. Each had said they saw a noticeable difference in their baby almost right way. It was worth giving a try. I placed the necklace on my daughter the next morning, and by that night the inflammation in her gums had started to reduce. By the next afternoon, her rosy cheeks and low-grade fever had broken on its own.
Since placing the necklace on my child, I have not only noticed a difference in her overall mood, but I have noticed a difference in her physical symptoms. I’m so grateful for the peace and happiness amber teething necklaces have brought back into my life. If your family is suffering from teething insanity purchase yourself a Baltic Teething Necklace and let nature bring back your sunshine.
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