Dubai’s Latest Flower Sensation – A Better Florist Want to find one flower shop that you can count on for everything? A Better Florist is definitely the right choice for you. It is the best florist in Singapore, and now it’s taken over the flower delivery world in Dubai, and everyone is raving about how fantastic they are. …
Collaboration Guidelines
Hello, Thank you for finding me on the internet and taking the time to read about me, and what I do for collaboration, social media marketing, blogging, and promotions. I am Meghna Dixit. An MBA in HR, Ex-Vice President-Human Resources of a reputed multinational and a first time Mom of a beautiful and feisty, 3-year-old little girl. I am originally …
Mommy Guilt is a Bitch
Mommy Guilt, You are a bitch. There, I said it!