How to not be a perfect momMotherhood

How to Not be a Perfect Mom

Do you believe there is any perfect mom out there? I don’t. I Don’t even want to be a Perfect Mom. Infact, I have 10 tips on how Not to be a Perfect Mom. Check it out

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Nutrition and Lifestyle coach Ahlaam AliMotherhood

Yummy Mummy Series featuring Ahlaam Ali (Nutrition, Diet & Lifestyle Coach)

Yummy Mummy is the nucleus of her family. She takes care of herself and she extends fabulous care to the ones she loves. Her family, her friends, her colleagues, her clients can’t stop raving about how yummy is this mummy. The Yummy-Mummy that I have the privilege to feature today is, a very successful nutritionist, dietician and coach. She is …

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Naghma Shaikh, Muscat MumMotherhood

Yummy Mummy Series featuring single-mother Naghma Shaikh

Yummy Mummy Series has brought a newfound respect in my heart for mothers around me. The seemingly ordinary mom next door, may hold enormous strength in her heart, numerous bruises on her soul, and several life experiences in her stride, but she goes on, with a smile on her face, and a cute child in her arm, untouched by the …

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Yummy MummyMotherhood

Yummy Mummy Series featuring Haneen Suhail Khan

“Little Boys bring you just to the brink of insanity, before gently easing you off the edge with a sweet kiss and laughter from a perfectly timed fart” Yes, if your mommy brain got some sleep last night, you would have guessed that my next #Yummymummy of the Yummy Mummy Series is a Mother of Boys.  She is a proud …

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The Rocking Motherhood Challenge- 10 ways I am rocking motherhood

They say you have not experienced motherhood if you have not felt the guilt attached to it. We Mums are an expert in bashing ourselves down for our perceived shortcomings as a mother. If our child is not eating enough, we doubt our cooking skills. If the child is not sleeping enough, we doubt our comforting skills and if the …

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Mommy’s Kitchen – Featuring Sonali Baindur

I am proud to bring to you my new series, Mommy’s Kitchen. Hope you like it. If I asked you, what are your top 3 points of concern as a new mom, I know what you will say, Food- What do  I feed my child? Sleep- When will my child sleep the night? Health & milestones- Is my child healthy? …

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Yummy Mummy Series, featuring Shreya Krishnan

“The attitude you have as a parent is what your kids will learn from more than what you tell them. They don’t remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are.” ~Jim Henson This quote aptly defines what I believe a #Yummy mummy is. She is a force to reckon with, she is the embodiment of calm, …

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Yummy Mummy Series- The Weekend Brunch (Mommy version)

The effort behind a Mommy’s Effortless Style & look

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Mommy Guilt is a Bitch 

Mommy Guilt, You are a bitch. There, I said it!

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I don’t own my child. I care. 

Mothers have been revered, worshipped & adored across culture, across time in the history of mankind. Being a mother is by far the highest calling of a woman they say. It is somehow true for a majority of us as well. But what I beg to differ in my very humble opinion is the notion that, we mothers are higher …

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