What a new mom wants from her partnerMotherhood, Relationship

Valentine’s Day Special -“What does a New Mom wants from her partner?”

Valentine’s Day special for New Parents

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Mommy Guilt is a Bitch 

Mommy Guilt, You are a bitch. There, I said it!

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Dubai Lifestyle

I deserve my ” Me Time”

You are a busy mom on the roll.Your children are your priority. But you need love too. You owe yourself the love and compassion you so freely give to others. Allow yourself some “Me Time”

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Dubai Lifestyle

Keep Calm & Chin up

You are a new mom, with heart full of love and eyes full of sleep. Or you are a parent of a toddler who has meltdowns when you least expect it, or you are just another mother of this planet. Read it. Smile. Chin Up.

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