It is that time of the year when heart, love, romance and date night becomes the keyword of your existence. February brings with it a whole stream of activities, events, products, and experience marketing the ” Love is in the Air” theme, thanks to the cliche’ that Valentine’s Day is all about. Don’t get me wrong, I am all about Love and …
How to Not be a Perfect Mom
Do you believe there is any perfect mom out there? I don’t. I Don’t even want to be a Perfect Mom. Infact, I have 10 tips on how Not to be a Perfect Mom. Check it out
Yummy Mummy Series featuring Haneen Suhail Khan
“Little Boys bring you just to the brink of insanity, before gently easing you off the edge with a sweet kiss and laughter from a perfectly timed fart” Yes, if your mommy brain got some sleep last night, you would have guessed that my next #Yummymummy of the Yummy Mummy Series is a Mother of Boys. She is a proud …
The Rocking Motherhood Challenge- 10 ways I am rocking motherhood
They say you have not experienced motherhood if you have not felt the guilt attached to it. We Mums are an expert in bashing ourselves down for our perceived shortcomings as a mother. If our child is not eating enough, we doubt our cooking skills. If the child is not sleeping enough, we doubt our comforting skills and if the …
Mommy Guilt is a Bitch
Mommy Guilt, You are a bitch. There, I said it!
I don’t own my child. I care.
Mothers have been revered, worshipped & adored across culture, across time in the history of mankind. Being a mother is by far the highest calling of a woman they say. It is somehow true for a majority of us as well. But what I beg to differ in my very humble opinion is the notion that, we mothers are higher …